TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

If you’ve been struggling with depression and conventional treatment doesn’t seem to help, there’s still hope with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). At Human Touch Behavioral Health, board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Archana Trivedi provides TMS, an effective, non-invasive procedure for treatment-resistant depression. Learn more about how TMS can help you feel better by contacting Human Touch Behavioral Health today.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Q & A
What is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive treatment for depression that involves stimulating the nerve cells in the brain using magnetic fields. The stimulation specifically targets areas of the brain associated with depression and negative behaviors.

Depression may result if certain parts of your brain become less active. By using controlled magnetic energy, TMS reawakens these parts, restoring a healthy activity level. Think of it as a jumper cable for your brain, but much more gentle.

If you’re looking for TMS solutions in Sacramento, visit Human Touch Behavioral Health. Dr. Trivedi recommends TMS in rare cases when neither talk therapy nor medication can treat depression. If your depression hasn’t improved in response to these traditional first-line approaches, a series of TMS treatments can serve as a long-term relief for your symptoms.

Compared to the various depression drugs, TMS has much a lower risk for potential side effects, which makes the procedure an effective alternative for people who have difficulty tolerating antidepressants.
What happens during a TMS procedure?

Board-certified psychiatrists at Human Touch Behavioral Health conduct a TMS procedure by placing an electromagnetic coil on your head. A precise dose of magnetic energy will be sent through the coil for a few seconds at a time; you will hear a clicking sound and experience a tapping sensation during the procedure. A TMS session usually lasts for about 20 to 50 minutes.

Please note that TMS does not require anesthesia. The most common side effect involves a mild to moderate headache during and after receiving the procedure. Roughly half of all TMS patients experience this side effect, however, this sensation only persists in the first week of treatment.
How long does TMS take to work?

A full course of TMS treatment takes about four to six weeks, depending on the patient’s response to the sessions. Patients who wish to seek TMS therapy in Sacramento are required to visit Human Touch Behavioral Health five days a week. While you may experience a notable change in your behavior by the end of the third week, you’re still required to complete the rest of your sessions for complete relief from your depression.

TMS can cause a dramatic, long-lasting reduction in your depression symptoms. The benefits of the procedure last for at least six months to a year or longer. It’s also safe and effective to receive TMS treatments repeatedly if your symptoms recur.

Call us at Human Touch Behavioral Health today to learn more about TMS health solutions in Sacramento, CA.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a therapeutic, non-invasive, and diagnostic technique that uses small magnetic fields to stimulate the nerve cells in your brain. A small generator coil is placed over your head that targets parts of the brain linked with conditions like depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

TMS sends magnetic pulses into your brain, effectively changing the activity of the brain cells associated with depressive disorders. The frequency of the induced electromagnetic pulses influences your brain activity. This means that TMS can serve as a long-lasting solution to your depression as it changes the patterns by which your brain network and nerve cells communicate and connect with each other.

A full course of TMS treatment takes about four to six weeks, depending on the patient’s response to the sessions.

Both ECT and TMS are forms of neuromodulation used for treating depression. However, ECT involves passing an electric current through the brain, while TMS uses an electromagnetic coil to create an alternate magnetic field over your head. Both treatments cause rapid improvements in the symptoms.

Antidepressants work by modifying neurotransmitter receptors in your brain. On the contrary, TMS induces small electric currents in the brain, improving the connection between your brain cells and increasing their growth. Antidepressants involve taking medications through the mouth, whereas TMS does not require chemical ingestion. Antidepressants may cause adverse side effects like gastrointestinal issues, weight gain, reduced sex drive, etc. Meanwhile, there are no systemic adverse effects related to TMS. The only side effect of TMS is that it results in a mild to moderate headache, which subsides within the first week of the treatment.

The duration of a TMS session varies depending on how your doctor administers it. On average, a TMS session takes about 30 minutes.

TMS is a very effective treatment for depression. For over 20 years, psychiatrists have demonstrated the ability to improve depression symptoms in patients via TMS.

You can receive TMS for the following disorders:
Eating disorders
Chronic migraine
Neuropathic pain
Post-stroke condition
If you’re looking for a TMS therapy in Sacramento, contact Human Touch Behavioral Health. It is the most professional and reliable TMS treatment center near you!

The most common side effect of TMS is a mild headache for a few hours following the sessions. Occasionally, you may also experience discomfort in the eye, teeth, or jaw, which can alleviate using over-the-counter painkillers.

It is advised to have regular follow-ups with your psychiatrist for optimum and long-lasting results.

Around 60% of patients who receive TMS respond to it. However, if you feel like you don’t find the treatment effective, your doctor will consider other treatments to help you out.

People with non-removable metallic, ferromagnetic objects might not be suitable for TMS and should consult with their prescriber if they have any of these items in their body:
Implanted electrodes
Aneurysm clips or coils
Cochlear implants
Stents in the head
Metal fragments

The time it takes to see positive results following a TMS varies from person to person. However, those who receive the treatment 5 days a week are likely to witness positive changes after the first few weeks of receiving TMS.