Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a one-on-one counseling session that helps patients receive support for their depression, parenting issues, addiction, relationship challenges, anger, anxiety, and other personal problems. At Human Touch Behavioral Health, board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Archana Trivedi provides compassionate individualized therapy, so you can have a greater insight into the challenges and traumas of your life. Individual therapy can help you find constructive ways to work through your mental health issues. Human Touch Behavioral Health is a great place to start if you’re looking for reliable counselors in Sacramento. Schedule a therapy appointment with the best psychologist in Sacramento today.

What is therapy?

Therapy broadly refers to a treatment method that addresses mental illness and life challenges by allowing patients to communicate with a mental health professional. Therapy helps you better understand your emotions, thoughts, and behavior and enables you to work toward changing those negative thoughts and patterns.

Dr. Trivedi is the best psychologist in Sacramento who takes a highly individualized approach to therapy. Regardless of the reason for which you seek help, it’s her goal to help you function better, heal from past traumas, and improve your overall well-being.
Consider opting for an individual therapy session if you:
Note that while Dr. Trivedi recommends therapy for conditions including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, you don’t need to have a diagnosed mental illness to benefit from therapy.
What can I expect from therapy?

Dr. Trivedi utilizes a range of personal and customized therapy approaches fit to meet every individual’s needs.  Common elements of receiving therapy at Human Touch Behavioral Health include:
Individuals are required to visit Human Touch Behavioral Health once a week for their therapy session, where each sitting lasts for about an hour. Dr. Trivedi may recommend a short or long-term treatment plan, depending on the nature and complexity of your problem. If you’re looking for expert psychotherapy in Sacramento, contact Dr. Trivedi today.

Please note that what you discuss with Dr. Trivedi in therapy is confidential. However, in situations where patients intend to harm themselves or others, she has the right to take legal measures to ensure everyone’s safety. However, Dr. Trivedi makes every effort to honor your preference and proceed in a way you’re comfortable with.
Is therapy a substitute for medication?

Dr. Trivedi understands that every individual is different. So, it’s really a matter of what’s best for you, not whether therapy is a suitable alternative for medications (or vice versa). As a board-certified psychiatrist, she may recommend a combination of therapy and medication. Medications improve symptoms like anxiety and depression effectively so you can get more out of your therapy sessions at Human Touch Behavioral Health.

Depending on the severity of your mental health illness, Dr. Trivedi may recommend you to follow a structured, short-term course of therapy, eventually transitioning to regular but less frequent medication management appointments. Whatever form of treatment you receive at our clinic will make a positive and stabilizing influence on your life.

Call or use the online booking tool today to schedule your first individualized therapy appointment with us.